The young girl leaving comments obviously feels good about herself and is at ease with her body. She says with great assurance that she loves all the things that accompany being a woman and that she is a woman at heart. Important talents everyone should acquire are understanding oneself and knowing others.
Apart from that, she refers to herself as a "exalted guide," implying she can assist and direction anyone in need. Her phrasing makes it quite evident that her internal characteristics and skills take far more weight than her appearance.
Though it could be dangerous, her discussion of her size D breasts also reveals that she is content with her appearance. She is content with her body so she does not see any need in flaunting it.
She is grateful for her good weight as she treats her body. Along with your personal hygiene, this is rather vital for your health and ought to be considered.
Among the last things she says, she refers to herself as a wonderful Asian friend. She thereby demonstrates her pride of her culture and awareness of the advantages it gives. She seems to me thus to be proud of her and to believe she is just like her.
Based on these remarks, the girl in issue seems to be confident of herself and have a good regard of her cultural background, physical attractiveness, and other facets of her femininity. She exhibits admirable bravery and self-awareness, which inspire me.